Angels Do No More

Do your best.Leave the rest.Angels do no more. That was a saying that a friend told me over 30 years ago.Back then I was so driven to do everything and do it perfectly.Make no mistakes.And if I only worked harder, then I could get everything finished. Only trouble was...

Are affirmations really helpful?

You cannot sleep and it is really affecting your mental health.The frustration of not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep really gets the mind going into a very negative state.Of course, how can you think positive when you are exhausted, have a lack of energy and...

It’s not yours

You say to yourself, oh no, I did not sleep at all last night.And you just wish you had some sleep and now you are feeling so tired and drained.Not an ounce of energy. Not getting sleep makes you feel close to tears and of all days you wanted the strength to deal with...


The holiday season is upon us.  It makes some of us really happy, joyful and excited and others stressed, sad or wishing it was all over.  It can be a time where our buttons get pushed or our good intentions go unnoticed or are diminished.Is there a way to change...


In a day filled with lots of activities such as cooking, shopping, working, doing chores or even socializing, you stop and wonder where did the day go.  Days turn into weeks then months and so on.   I certainly thrive on having a busy life and I know so do a lot of...

Stop. Reframe

I recently had a client tell me she feels terrible and cannot stick to her nutritional plan.  I reach out and give her encouragement she says helps and yet the cycle continues.I want to address what she is telling herself. Terrible means guilt.  My...