
Are you desperate for a good night's sleep?

Or are you planning on being too tired, unmotivated, wondering why you have so much belly fat and never getting a good night’s sleep anymore?


Will I ever get to sleep and stay asleep?

Yes it is possible to get the sleep you have been desiring.  Learning to put your body back into balance to get you to sleep is what it takes.


Welcome to Heart to Heart Nutrition.

I work with women who just cannot sleep and are so frustrated because it feels like no one is listening to them and they don’t know what to do.

They just know they don’t want to take sleeping pills and they desperately would like a complete and restful night’s sleep.

Do you feel:

  • Exhausted

  • No Energy

  • Unmotivated

  • Wicked and uncontrollable food cravings

  • Belly fat

  • Brain Fog

  • Digestive Issues

  • Constipation

  • Tummy troubles

You have likely spent so much time and money trying so many different things to help you get to sleep and nothing seems to be working.

Not being able to sleep is a symptom that something is out of balance in the body. Solutions require taking action and with a plan. The strategies to get to sleep are food, lifestyle and balancing your hormones.

You will be amazed as you start to sleep, feel your energy return, your mind becoming sharper and finding yourself uplifted to new possibilities.

This is a journey you want to take. You will be empowered to transform yourself to live a full and active life.

I know. I have been there.

Caryl Ayearst

Registered Holistic Nutritionist
Certified Sleep Science Coach

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use.

When diet is correct, medicine is of no need”.  

Ayurvedic proverb